OK Gang, here we go! Launching a fundraising project to do some good in the neighborhood. In recent conversations I had with some other friends, there are a number of children whose families will not be able to afford an instrument for Christmas this year. It has been a rough year for many physically, emotionally, and financially with Hurricane Irma, and other events through the year. My goal is to be able to provide these families with instruments for their children to be able to enjoy the gift of music this year. To be able to provide these children with instruments, we hope to be able to make a difference in these children’s lives. To be able to give back to our
community, that we live, work and play in, one child at a time.
Because of Facebook’s processing analytics, I was not able to create a fundraiser on my own personal page or that of Music is our Medicine’s page because of Facebook’s verification processing. I guess the state Articles of Incorporation, State Tax Exempt certificate, and Florida’s Certificate of Donation Solicitations weren’t enough. But I wasn’t going to let that deter me. You can head over to the website at www.MusicIsOurMedicine.ORG/give/ and there is a direct Donation link that will allow you to make donations there through PayPal. You can help make a difference in at least one child, and in the Community we serve and live!
Mark Patterson
Executive Director
Music is our Medicine INC